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Want to Deny Climate Change? Meet the "Middle Man" for Right-Wing Funders, Donors Trust
I Can't Stop Thinking that People Who Deny Climate Change are Lying
How Climate Change Deniers Sound to Normal People
Why People Don't Believe In Climate Science
Bill Nye: Want to Combat Climate Change? Talk about It. | Big Think
Climate deniers don't deny climate change any more
Four tactics used to dismiss climate change – BBC World Service, The Denial Files
Are We Wired to Deny Climate Change? | The Agenda
Conversations | Confronting Climate Change Denial
'It will start getting cooler' | President Trump responds to combating climate change in fires | RAW
Chomsky on Trump’s Climate Denialism: He Wants Us to March Toward the Destruction of the Species
Leonardo DiCaprio: "Denying climate change is like denying gravity exists"